Industrial Sewage Plant Refurbishment

Pipefix have been working in partnership with the Mulberry site at the Rookery in Chilcompton to upgrade the sewage treatment processing plant on site and improve the quality of effluent at the final point of discharge. As a progressive and responsible company they continually monitor the output of the plant and so decided to take action when ammonia levels started to rise towards the maximum permitted levels.

We undertook a thorough evaluation of the existing Condor Package Treatment system on site and decided that rather than replace the entire system we could make some alterations that would improve the performance sufficiently.

Examination of chamber 3 of the SAF (Submerged Aerated Filter) plant showed that there was insufficient media in the tank, reducing the effectiveness of the biological activity in the tank. It is likely that media had been removed through excessive de-sludging of the tank – a common but easily avoidable mistake. The solution was simply to drain the tank down, assess the level of media and top up to the required level before re-charging the tank. This process was repeated for the other two SAF tanks in the system.

To reduce ammonia in the system requires the introduction of oxygen, which is facilitated by air blowers that force air through the SAF system. The existing blower units were thought to be under-rated so we proposed replacing the blower unit on tank 1, monitoring the changes in effluent quality and then repeating this process with the blowers on tanks 2 and again on tank 3 if required. Our proposal included the introduction of a second blower on each tank that would take over if the primary blower failed, increasing the security of the design.

Client: Mulberry

Works: Upgrade Package Treatment Plant, Install New Air Blowers & Telemetry Alarms

Pipefix Ltd

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